The Truth

We believe that anyone who understands his truth, his soul , he would understand God
So, please, at first answer me, if you may
Do you beleive that you have an spiritual aspect, too?
O.K. So, explain for us, that are you just this natural body?
O.K. Tell me who makes you walk, talk , think , .......?
What kind of power is it?
What kind of power rules over them?
O.K. What happens when all of them die? Do you die throughly, too.?
If so, what has put such an order in your organic substances to remain alive until you are alive?
So, this kind of life ( without any aim) seems to be so meaningless
Since, for ex. : when I say that I put my hands over there, it means that my truth is something other than my hands,
No , problem. Now, we are not talking about God
Just answer me, if you may
While we say my tongue, it shows that I am something other than that tongue so that I am independent from it , while I say this is my tongue
It shows that I am not just this body,
Even though I am something independent from it, and I own my body such as my tongue
Words are some symbols to manifest our wills
See, we conclude that my truth is something other than this body that I own
You just tell me if we have a body so who are we?
We call it our spirit
But you see I just said "our spirit"
So, we are not even though an spirit, too
We are something other than these two
We are neither a spirit nor a body
We are something which own these two
We are a truth which own both our spirit and our body
Do you know what our truth is? It is from a world higher and greater from the spiritual and natrual world
I am trying to refer you to a higher world
I explained it to you logically
My defenition of it is that if we want to releaize whether God exists or not , we should first understand our truth, our reason , then look at Him from that angel
No one could realize God from their bodies,
Even from their spirits
Yes, you're right, unless we don't realize our truth we cannot realize THE TRUTH which is God
Even though most religious people might think that they realize Him, but they might not be able to realize Him except by realizing their truth at first
We have questions at first that we are unfamiliar with God and religion, but after getting familiar with the truth we would get all the answers of the questions
So, the more I know my truth I know Him
And you know it that if you have all the sciences in this world but you don't know who your truth is, you are confused
Through dividing what you own. you will understand and distinguish between your truth, your body and spirit
O.K. Did you accept that the creator of the universe is him?
The universe was created to reach us to our perfection . Our creation is a step to our perfection , since if we pass this step in beleiving Him well and do good deeds we would reach our perfection throughout this world, too.
And certainly, this universe is a very small part of what he truely created and it might not mainly even imagine through our understandings.
You know our perfection throughly depends on what we realize about ourselves, the universe and God. It's our understanding about these truths which should reach its perfection.
An example for the steps of perfection: And he(a disbeliver) extracted for them [the statue of] a calf which had a lowing sound, and they said, "This is your god and the god of Moses, but he forgot." (Ta-ha: 88)
👉Did they not see that it could not return to them any speech and that it did not possess for them any harm or benefit? (Ta-ha: 89)
👉 And Aaron had already told them before [the return of Moses], "O my people, you are only being tested by it, and indeed, your Lord is the Most Merciful, so follow me and obey my order." (Ta-ha: 90)
Everything in this world is a test for us, and in reality, it's a chance for us to either believe, follow and obey His orders in the process of our perfection, or to disbelieve Him and loss the opportunity of getting perfected.
Of course, we have actually three levels to pass(to realize) to reach our perfection(realizing our Lord)
The 1st level is to understand our natural body in this natural world
The 2nd level is to understand our soul in the Malakoot world(spiritual world)
The 3rd level is to understand lahoot world( our truth)
After realizing ourselves in these three worlds and actually while pass them, then we realize what we are supposed to realize about THE LORD OF UNIVERSE(aalam)
They are three processes for our perfection(realizing our Lord)
✅The more we realize our truth, the more we realize our Lord

When we realize our truth , then we look at this natural body and this natural world through the magnifying-glass(our soul).