Happy the birth of Jesus Christ
Happy the Birth of Jesus Christ
Our greatings for Jesus Christ, the prophet of peace and kindness
The following message is written by the Shias to all Christians throughout the world, We are a group of Muslims called Shias.
Of course, we are not ISIS and they are not from us.
Moreover, many of our youth and soldiers are already fighting ISIS.
ISIS are some extremists of course, not Muslims and they just claim to be Muslims.
Unfortunately, they have put the name of our beloved Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) on their flag.
They suggest to the people around the world that the acts of violence so cruely.
Even though, Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) was so kind and merciful to even the enemies.
We, Shias mourn for the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (the third Shia Imam and son of the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad) in the month of Muharram every year. And of course, Shia religious leaders and noble scholars does not even approve the actions of afew extremists of Shias who hurt themselves at their mourning's ceremonies.
One of the honorable 72 of the best Imam Hussein(as)'s companions was a Christian called Wahab. They were are martyared(killed in the path of God) with thirsty lips in an unfair and unequal war in the desert of Karbala.
❤So they even teared with their swords the throat of the infant and six months of Imam Hussein(as).
And now we see these brutal and inhumane methods of killing and cruely behaviors by ISIS in today's world, too.
Karbala is where each year a large population (over 25 million) in the largest walk-fortieth(Arbaeen Walking) of the biggest event in the history of mankind is the fortieth day after the martyrdom of Imam Hussein in Karbala. It delivers this message that:
We believe in the teachings of the holy Bible and it was sent through God before Quran.
And we believe that Jesus Christ(as) will return(reappear) besides Imam Mahdi(aj) for the Justice.
Since we believe that he was God's Prophet sent before Prophet Mohammad(pbuh).
❤Congratulations and Christmas greetings for the birthday of Jesus Christ(as).
And also believe that Jesus (PBUH) without a father and with the breath of God in the life of the Virgin Mary was blown by the right has been born
We invite you dear Christian friend to search about Islam through valid Shia books and don't prejudge about us, please.
With the hope that all justice-loving people live together so peacefully
Please, send this message to other Christian friends around the world, peace be upon all the followers of the Truth. ❤